Using “cookies” in real world: why lesson learned from digital world are not applied in brick-and-mortar?

I have been wondering a while, how brilliant it would be to be able to analyze what is really happening in brick and mortar environment in equal way (even anonymously) to the browser environment.

Continue reading Using “cookies” in real world: why lesson learned from digital world are not applied in brick-and-mortar?

Spam, target marketing, value adding information – fine line between: Value perceived by customer

Companies utilize different approaches while trying reach customers attention. Some shoot blindly into dark, some follow the trail created by customer. Most clever ones are trying to meet the customer where customer is heading to!


Continue reading Spam, target marketing, value adding information – fine line between: Value perceived by customer

Economy predictions for 2014 – many big things are moving or are they?

While reading New Years first news articles, few global topics from news were rising to top of my mind.

  1. Salary increases in Asia Pacific are corroding the cheap labor driven ecosystem
  2. GDP growth in China is slowing down
  3. Concerns about stability of euro
  4. Rising value of US dollar
  5. Bridging gap between education supply and labor market demand

Forecasts are just forecasts, but any how they will rise topics worth to follow up into our attention. It will be interesting to observe how things have really developed at the end of 2014.

Continue reading Economy predictions for 2014 – many big things are moving or are they?

Mobile content market – how it develops in Finland

I was just browsing through study released by Idean. What are the tools (=smartphone) for delivering the mobile marketing message (alongside with other mobile content) to end-users and how that market is developing, where (globally or locally) my questions while starting to explore this study. Continue reading Mobile content market – how it develops in Finland

The Quantum Thief: online marketing, NSA and internet privacy – public and private memories exposed

Just happened to read an older book which is surprisingly well hitting into today’s hot topic: privacy. Continue reading The Quantum Thief: online marketing, NSA and internet privacy – public and private memories exposed

49% of small businesses never update their listings online

Just found a survey made by ConstantContact among SMBs in february. They figured out that SMBs have challenges to handle even their basic online marketing. This is somehow understantable as they need to focus to their own business and they usually do not have knowledge or resources to tackle ever increasing complexity of online environment. Actually 70% of companies in this interview say that they do not have time to manage the listings. Continue reading 49% of small businesses never update their listings online

On demand streaming vs scheduled TV – technology disruption challenges old business model

Companies like focused streaming content providers (ie. Neflix, TV-kaista) and TelCo’s (ie. TeliaSonera, Elisa) are expanding their role among end users time consumption. Citi claimed that

Streaming is already nudging out regular old TV.

This might already be true in some markets and it continues to develop. Some TV broadcasters have already reacted to this (ie. ABC, YLE) by creating their own streamed offering.
Interesting thing here is, what happens to the money spend on TV advertisements? There are no more so many minutes of spare time, that people would consume watching commercial breaks. You could try to add commercial breaks into streamed content too, but user adoption of that might be difficult to achieve.
For example there was a projection that TV-advertising will continue to grow from 65B (2012) to 72B (2016) in US market. My question is why it would grow if people are moving more towards new way of consuming streamed content. I would expect to see heavier shift towards online advertising here.