Cloud storage prices eroding- served with day’s price as fish

Big players seem to have realized that there is space for price competition. Infrastructure cost is naturally dropping, maybe even faster than earlier estimated due to new innovative ways to utilize it more efficiently.

Continue reading Cloud storage prices eroding- served with day’s price as fish

IPO of King – second day in market, same direction remains

Now valuation is getting closer to what could be expected. Depending of the speed of erosion of revenues I would imagine to be interested in this stock around $16-17. This would naturally be just short term stake for this year.

Around end of Q2 there should be some indications if the new game is getting attention of consumers or not. Farm Hero Saga seem quite similar to Candy Crush Saga, but why not, maybe recycling works here as earlier concept did.

Interesting week ahead. Maybe buyers will find suitable level for this interesting stock during coming week. Now it seem to be closing around $18, which is 2.22% drop from opening day. Total loss so far 19.6%.

IPO of King – first day going as expected based on valuation comparison

Few days ago I was little too rough on estimating “fair” value of King. I gave range of 20-40% over valued in that previous post. First day’s drop was -16% for IPO valuation. Following up closely how second day opens up.

Source: Yahoo Finance

Continue reading IPO of King – first day going as expected based on valuation comparison

Jolla installation – second round

Lesson from first trial were useful now as Jolla came from maintenance – empty as one could expect.

Contact information was easy to retrieve from gmail-account

Found new easier guide for setting up GooglePlay.

Now after second round i still believe it is doable, but at the same time wonder, could it have been a bit easier? Availability of basic applications in Jolla-store is a problem for basic user.

Well anyhow Jolla is now up and running again. Waiting for next Sailfish upgrade to see what happens then. Hopefully it will go more smoothly.

Jolla first crashes – maintenance working well though

Last week it happened. I experienced difficulties while trying to update operating system. It just did not load the updated version. Although phone functioned well until last Monday. After that it just did not boot up at all. Only Jolla logo was showing up. Even removing of the battery did not make any positive effect to the situation.

Finally on Thursday I delivered the phone to maintenance. Positive surprise was that they managed to fix the problem already on Friday. Now looking forward to pick it up next week to see what is left of installed software and data. Most probably nothing, but if you are pessimistic enough you will newer get disappointments:)

Now phone should be equipped with newest version of Sailfish, so next thing for me is to figure out how it has developed in relation to utilization of Android applications and application stores.