Customer feedback is important – why not make it easy to give?

Depending on business line you are working in, you and your colleagues hopefully meet occasionally customers. If you have larger amount of those meeting rendezvous and there are several others from your company participating, I suppose you get curious about what is the service experience given to customers. There are several ways to collect this feedback.


I think the most brilliant thing about approch from a startup called Taplause is the simplicity:

  • just one click (or you can also collect contact information, if customers want you to return to them).

Other great thing is the multichannel approach:

  • You can utilize it in physical location by locating QR-code to your brochure, menu or corner of your desk.
  • Same QR-code (or link if you prefer) can be used in your web-site or mobile application.

I am just test driving this service in my blog. Click it and let me know what you think about it.
Give feedbackTaplause Icon

Spam, target marketing, value adding information – fine line between: Value perceived by customer

Companies utilize different approaches while trying reach customers attention. Some shoot blindly into dark, some follow the trail created by customer. Most clever ones are trying to meet the customer where customer is heading to!


Continue reading Spam, target marketing, value adding information – fine line between: Value perceived by customer