Block chain is considered to be anonymous. Although tracking of those anonymous transactions is really easy. Here is nice visualization made by WhaleAlert. It illustrates the live transaction flow at the moment: Continue reading Visualization of data generates new information: Transparency of the block chain
AI without learning – is an obsolete AI
AI still needs Human intelligence to develop useful solutions.
Is it better to have human or computer in drive’s seat? MIT Sloan Management Review together with Boston Consulting Group made recently a study where best results were reached by utilizing all 5 different interaction models: Continue reading AI without learning – is an obsolete AI
Rekisterinumerohaku – 16404 – KukaAjaa
Helppo ja edullinen rekisterinumerohaku. Hae verkosta tai tekstiviestillä ajoneuvon tai sen omistajan tiedot.
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Jos tarvitset ajoneuvon historian ja kaikki muutkin Traficomin rekisteristä löytyvät tiedo, silloin voit joko hakea Laajat tiedot verkosta tai SMS:nä numerosta 16404. Tämän palvelun hinta on 5,00€.
Hinnat sisältävät ALV 24%.
Hakuun pääsee tästä. Continue reading Rekisterinumerohaku – 16404 – KukaAjaa
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Conv-19: Koronakeskustelu Suomessa
Näkymä 100 edelliseen korona-teemasta (#koronafi ja #koronakriisi) jaettuun twiittiin kytkettynä paikkakuntaan. Twiitti löytyy klikkamalla kuvaketta.
Conv-19: keskusteluyhteenveto
Keskustelun sävyn muutokset:

Yhteenveto sadan viimeisimmän koronafi- tai koronakriisi-twiitin käsittelemistä aiheista:
Artificial intelligence and analytics change business environments
Today artificial intelligence is revolutionizing many business sectors and none will remain untouched. Many people are talking about digital transformation and this is one dimension of it. For me digital transformation does not mean incremental change of business into new direction, it involves radical innovation and utilization of new opportunities, like developing analytics.
Continue reading Artificial intelligence and analytics change business environments
Just an observation: analyst views and what happens in real life a bit later?
I was watching stock market today. Pearson plc (PSON) got beaten up quite badly. Just for sake of curiosity i drilled down to recommendations by different analysts to see if they were able to predict today announced problems.
Continue reading Just an observation: analyst views and what happens in real life a bit later?
Using “cookies” in real world: why lesson learned from digital world are not applied in brick-and-mortar?
I have been wondering a while, how brilliant it would be to be able to analyze what is really happening in brick and mortar environment in equal way (even anonymously) to the browser environment.
Marketing technology landscape is scattering rapidly
Number of active players has increased rapidly over last few years. Starting with roughly100 different options in 2011 and reaching almost 20 times more already in 2015.
As this development continues, the difficulty to choose right set of solutions becomes harder. Also you need to be careful when deciding which features are essential for your business and are they provided by your selected vendors. Continuity is also a question mark in this turbulent market as companies are acquiring smaller competitors or moving out from market after becoming obsolete.
Disruption and speed of change in this domain are amazing. It is easier to understand the speed, if we observe some of the forces behind growth:
Continue reading Marketing technology landscape is scattering rapidly