The Quantum Thief: online marketing, NSA and internet privacy – public and private memories exposed

Just happened to read an older book which is surprisingly well hitting into today’s hot topic: privacy. Continue reading The Quantum Thief: online marketing, NSA and internet privacy – public and private memories exposed

Social media, privacy, new user generation – does old medicin of Facebook still work?

Interesting report from Pew Internet & American Life research program how behaviour of younger generation is changing. Both idea what to share and where seem to in transit. Continue reading Social media, privacy, new user generation – does old medicin of Facebook still work?

The way how people communicate has changed – todays multichannel interaction is harder to manage

People have now many new tools they can utlize for social networking and communication.


It will became increasingly easy to broadcast to many target groups, but at the same time, as communication is two directional, it will became more difficult to master all utlized channels. This will have interesting impact on popularity of different channels and the audience available in those.