Living in area close to city, but too far for proper fixed line connection. All operators offer 8M/1M connection and the actual measured speed will remain at level of 4-5M.
I am watching TV through that connection and began to wonder, if I could achieve a bit better quality for movies. 1M stream is ok, but I would prefer to get 2M stream for bigger screen.
I took a mobile phone capable to 4G connection. Made it distribute WLAN network and measured the speed. For my supprise I got almost symmetrical connection 25M/24M!
Naturally this luxury will not last as my neighbours figure the same thing out and start to utilize 4G, but for time being I can enjoy speed. So in some cases it is usefull to be early adopter moving from fixed to mobile connection.
Other thing that might change the situation in future is new pricing models of mobile subscriptions, that operators are talking about. Data buckets and other pricing limitatios will make it too fuzzy for consumers. At the moment mobile subscriptions are charged on fixed monthly basis similarly to fixed line connections.
Interesting to see what happens. I naturally understand that operators have to earn they money, but i am worried how pricing change will affect end user behaviour. Hopefully they will find a balance and we will not fall back to stone age. Like earlier times of mobile usage in USA: people did not dare to answer their phones as they felt uncertain about the expenses and stick with fixed line phones.